Adenanthera microsperma

Adenanthera microsperma Teijsm. & Binn., Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië xxvii. (1864) 58.

Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma
Adenanthera microsperma Teijsm. & Binn., Photo by Diep Dinh Quang

The native range of this species is Indo-China to W. Malesia. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.

Vietnamese name: 

Chi chi, Muồng nước, Muồng ràng ràng, Rang ràng

Scientific name: 

Adenanthera microsperma Teysm. et Binn. – A. pavonina var. microsperma (Teysm. et Binn.) I. Niels.




Treats dysentery and fever (Peel). External hemorrhagic injury (Leaf).


Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Dong Nai. The tree grows naturally in evergreen and mixed forests, at altitudes up to 400 m.

Flower and fruit season: 

April - June; July-October

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